
Below I try to describe in more detail my research interests, as well as current projects I'm working on. Please feel free to reach out to me to talk about any of these! I'd love to talk for hours about Margaret and/or math!

Research Interests

The Problem of Applied Math

My main question here is how it is that mathematics allows us to navigate the world around us. Over the couple years I've thought about this question, I've been draw to discussions of math as a language, deconstructive questions about the physical/mathematical distinction, and the history of concrete cases of math being applied to the world (see esp Navier-Stokes and mathematical measurement of inbreeding in the 1920s)

Margaret Cavendish

A far more recent addition is my interest in Margaret Cavendish. I find her interesting as a person and as a thinker, given how broadly she wrote across genres and topics in a time when women rarely if ever published, let alone under their own name. I also enjoy thinking about how we can learn about structural injustices in academia by gossiping about Margaret's story (she would have loved that). Read Blazing World.

Queer Theory

My interests in queer theory are somewhat more vague than I would like, but, generally speaking, I am interested in reading queer theory, especially critiques of stable categorization, and applying them to my work in, for example, philosophy of science and philosophy of mathematics. I also, however, am slowly getting more and more into actually doing queer theory à la Hoquehghem and Bersani, talking about subjectivity, identity, and politics. I also love Lauren Berlant, José Esteban Muñoz, and bell hooks!


Here, I will gather some hot  'n spicy keywords that have popped up across my studies but have not yet congealed into clear directions for research (there are many): pragmatism (especially Rorty and Hacking), phenomenology, historiographical methods, early modern period, critical philosophy, postmodernism (gettin' into Lyotard!), poststructuralism, deconstruction (Derrida time!), genealogies etc.... 

Works In Progress


None yet, but have mercy on me, for I have only just begun graduate school :(

Unpublished/Undergraduate Manuscripts

(Undergraduate Thesis) "What Is 'Applied Mathematics' Anyway? How the History of Fluid Mechanics Demonstrates the Role of Concepts in Applied Mathematics" pdf here

"A Step Toward the Elucidation of Quantitative Laws of Nature" Stance, An International Undergraduate Philosophy Journal (Spring 2020) here